Cleaning Options

Bromine Solution
Non-circulating (soaking tubs) have no mechanical water-cleaning procedure. Owners are required to regularly drain their tub after a series of uses, re-filling the tub at regular intervals keeps water fresh.
For tubs with mechanical circulation, a water sanitizing system is an option for conditioning and cleaning tub water. This is an additional component that is included in electrically heated/circulated hot tubs, and is constantly cleaning the water in your hot tub.
You can control the frequency of the cleaning by programming it, allowing it to clean on a cycle based on the flow rate of your pumps. You can also manually increase the rate of bromine introduction by operating the control panel.
Benefits of Bromine treatment:
- destroys waterborne bacteria.
- destroys algae in water (e.g. Black, Green, Mustard).
- eliminates the presence of organic matter left behind by bathers (oil, sweat, dead skin cells).
- sanitizes hard water without increasing the calcium hardness.
More specifications on bromine water sanitation are here.

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